Week 1: Discussion#1 (Cyberbullying)

Q1: How would you interpret the video in connection to cyberbullying? Do you agree with it? Give concrete situation to justify your answer. 

The video explained cyberbullying's causes and harms in a simple manner, specially with the child's voice-over giving it a more relatable feel. I agree with what the video said that cyberbullying may not be taken seriously because nowadays, people are more active in social media apps such as sharing their talents and opinions but others sometimes tend to have negative feedbacks and express it in a foul manner which makes them have lower self-esteems about themselves. Which leads to the point that we must be aware and spread this awareness to others.

Q2: In what certain scenario do you think would this line be applicable?

This video would be specially applicable to those who can't or are afraid to stand up for their selves. It may not be a lot of help but maybe that small thing is just what may change their thought about taking action and speaking up.

Q3: If you experience cyberbullying, how will you handle/respond to the situation? Elaborate your answers and be specific.

Get some help. Simple as it is but it just makes the difference compared to facing it alone. We all have at least someone to lean on. Talk to your family, friends, or teachers and explain what you are going through. Sometimes, just expressing it relieves most of the pain.
