Week 1: Assignment#1 (Road Map)

Name the first problem you have encountered that has given you a good lesson in life

                You may be fine before a problem but you become better after it.

Describe yourself before you have encountered the problem.

                I was fine, but weaker.

List down the positive things that happened to you after learning the lessons you have in Gas Station 1.

                Challenges make you stronger.

State things you have realized after overcoming problem/s when no one was there to help you.

                You don’t always need help. You can do most things by yourself.

Name the changes you have noticed in yourself after encountering challenges you have indicated in part 5 "Bridge".

                I’ve grown as a person. I am stronger and better than I was before.

List down things/ activities you do that make/s you strong whenever you feel so down.

                I take a break for a whole day and just rethink the problem.

Describe how your traits which you have gained through your experiences, have helped you surpass your life's challenges.

                They made me grow as a person, making challenges easier.

State one good reason why you won't choose to change yourself or your present thoughts.

                I wouldn’t change something that I don’t have a problem with.

Justify why you would still choose the road you have chosen to take.

                I don’t see a reason to stop. I don't have a problem with it, so I won't change it.

Name three traits/values you will constantly and consistently share with others so that they will also overcome the challenges of their lives.

                Persistent, Understanding, Humble
