Week 9: Discussion#7

 Answer in not less than 5 sentences for each question.

1. How can I become a more responsible student? 

I try to become a responsible student by learning how to manage and balance my time for studies, and personal care or development. I focus on getting great results on my studies and avoid distractions that hinders this process. I try to do my best on completely understanding each lesson in order to accomplish upcoming tasks and works with great results. After finishing my tasks and studies, I usually rest, watch, or eat to avoid stress in order to keep having a clear mind for more tasks and studying. I also do not forget to help others on their studies whenever they are having trouble on them. 

2. How can I manage stress?

I usually do not get stressed because I am a laid back person. When I do get stressed, I manage it using lots of methods. Usually, I use Acceptance-Action Approach to actually deal with them since I do not want to get bothered by the same thing over and over again. With this, I also practice my problem solving skills which is a good tool that I may apply on other real-life situations. Although if it is something I cannot deal with, I use Avoidance Approach and just ignore them. Also, my sister taught me to divert my stress on something that is beneficial such as physical activities. I use stress as a fuel to motivate me on my workout which is very effective. 

3. How can I manage my emotions?

My methods on handling emotions depend on its type. If they are positive emotions, I cherish them and even share it to others hoping that it would continue this flow of positive energy and emotions. When they are negative emotions, I usually try to deal with them alone since I do not want to trouble or burden others on my personal matters. It is not healthy and I am aware of it but still, I put up a front that I am okay while I currently deal with them. Just like how I usually approach stress, I take action to deal with them permanently. I assess where they are coming from and come up with a solution so that I never deal with them again. When I cannot, I let time do the work and as I wait until I am ready to accept it, I have some coping mechanisms that aid me on waiting. Most of the time and preferably for sad times, I use distractions such as binging series, the longer the better. I relate and reflect to them and may even use them to assess myself. Another method that I use specially for anger is exercise or workouts. I focus on my negative emotions and feelings and divert them to producing improvements on my routine. I also listen to music and sleep a lot in order to be relaxed.
