Week 9: Reflection#2

1. About RESPONSIBILITY: Are there things that I have done that were irresponsible? How did I/can I correct those things so I will not do it again in the future?

I have done a lot of irresponsible things in the past. I have neglected tasks, procrastinated then crammed, and simply gave up on some of them because of my laziness. I have failed tests and quizzes, failed to pass some requirements, and unknowingly skipped class. Still, I have no regrets. Those were moments where I just had fun and leisure instead of worrying about works or studies, but I actually enjoyed and treasured every second of it. I could have had fun while still being able to pass and comply but I do not think I would change or correct those times for some grade that I would probably forget for the next five years. Although I am not encouraging that you should prioritize having fun and leisure for responsibility. I am merely stating that I just would not change what I have done. If I were to, all I have to do is sacrifice some leisure time for studying and learning in order to have a better grade. It is simple enough, but I just could not seem to be able to sometimes.

Although, there were some irresponsibilities that I would correct. Those were the times where I have hurt or caused someone trouble. One example would be my laziness inside our house since that greatly stressed my parents, specially my mother. I hope that I was able to have some motivation to help around the house and lessen the tasks that my parents have to do. On the downside, I could only do just a little of what they are expecting out of me.


1. Describe Lea Cervantes. What was her life like?

Lea Cervantes is a smart and talented woman that excelled in many things. What people do not know is that she used to live and endure a life full of expectations from others. She used the approval and appreciation of others to fuel her motivation for her achievements, accomplishments, and success. As a result, she ended up lonely, tired, bitter, and scared. She even hid resentment towards her parents despite all of their praises.

2. At some point, can you relate with her especially about the challenges she faced in her life? Why? 

As a student, I have also lived most of my life focusing on what my parents think of me. Just like Lea Cervantes, I was also grade conscious. I have only wanted to achieve good results and high grades in order to impress them. With this, I have realized that I am not actually happy with this numbers that I have worked so hard on. I realized that the thing that matters are the actual learnings and knowledge that I have acquired and the fact that I could achieve anything if I work hard enough for it.

3. What led to her transformation that made her life of struggle, resentment, bitterness, and hurt to a life of success, contentment, happiness and joy?

It is God’s word that turned her life around. She was enlightened that it is not for the good works that we are saved but by our faith in Jesus Christ alone. She realized that she did not have to excel, or it is not based on her performance so that He could accept her. Excellence, integrity, professionalism, respect and teamwork was easily accepted by everyone because the truth that we are all working for the Lord had been the standard by all. Now, she has Jesus and her struggle and passion for excellence will always be for His glory.

4. What is the key lesson/s that you learned/realized from the life of Lea Cervantes? How can you apply it to your life? Explain. 

We do not have to live up to other people’s expectations. We must not think that the approval and praises of others is the reason why we are all struggling to achieve or own success. Rather, we should focus on what really makes us happy and contented. Also, do not look for happiness as you chase success. Look for what makes you happy and work hard on it then success will chase you. For example, do not expect to be completely happy after being a doctor just for the title itself or the reward after those years of studying. Become a doctor because you think that it is your calling in life, to treat the ill and prolong the lives of others. If that is your reason, the fact that you have helped others live a bit longer will make all your efforts rewarded and with it is happiness and content.
