Week 1: Discussion#1

1. What are acceptable ways of public display of affection?  What should or should not be done in public?

For adults, there are some acceptable public displays of affections and these include hand-holding and short hugs and kisses for greetings and farewells. Wrapping your arms over someone's shoulders can also be acceptable depending on your location. As seen on the video, it is unacceptable in staircases or escalators since it affects others who are walking or passing through it. Other unacceptable public displays of affection include long and drawn-out hugs and kisses, touching someone on private areas, and using embarrassing nicknames and complements. A good thing to remember is always assess your current location and environment, and acknowledge who you are with.

2. If you are in that situation how would you react?

If I am only close to one of them, I would probably be uncomfortable and awkward with what the current situation. Although, If I were close friends with the two of them, I would be fine with it. Nevertheless, I would still remind the two of them that there are just certain acts that are unacceptable in public places. I would then tell them to tone it down such as simply holding each others' hands. If they still persist, I would recommend them to do all of those in private since others may not tolerate them as much as I can.
3. Why do we need to understand the acceptable and unacceptable teen-age relationships?

As teenagers, we should be aware and responsible of the limitations of our romantic relationships. We are free to have this kind of relationship, given that we have parental permission and supervision. Moreover, since we are just teenagers, most of us are still in school. As our parents have told us, we should prioritize our studies rather than this kind of relationship. Also, should be responsible enough to manage and balance our time for this and other priorities such as other more important relationships.
