Week 3: Activity#1

Activity 1.  My organization. Which organizations involving you in our society? (church group, singing/ dance group, community group, youth group, club, school organization, neighborhood association, volunteer group. etc)

Name of Organization

Type of Organization

Role in the Organization


School Club



Process Questions:

1. After doing the activity, what have you realized?

I have realized that besides having the title of being a leader, it also has a lot of responsibilities with it. Aside from the usual tasks given to the group, leaders should also be competent, doing more than what they were obligated to do. With this, the followers or the members can have a role model that they can look up to. This may even serve as an inspiration for them to be a leader someday, to do even more than what their leader could have ever done. Thus, this preserves the trend of the increase and improvement of productivity and contribution done by the said group or organization.

2. What do you think are the characteristics of a good leader and good follower?

Leaders must be competent, to make sure that they always have room for improvements, brave yet calm, to be able face any problems in any situation, and responsible, to make sure they are able to handle numerous tasks. They should also have a good judgement, communication skills, decision-making skills, charisma, and ego management. They must serve as an example or a role model that the followers can look up to.

Aside from the leader, the followers should also do their part since all of them are possible candidates to be the next leader. Each follower or member should be enthusiastic, obedient, honest, competent, and they should also take initiatives, have good work ethics and judgement.

3. Are you a good leader/ a good follower? Explain your answer.

I was once a good follower. I used to have those good characteristics and applied them in my organization. I was satisfied being a competent member and fulfilling my tasks the best that I could. Although as time passed, I have gained more experiences and confidence. Now, that I am a leader, I try to fulfill my part and continue to improve myself to better serve the environment and continue to make more contributions to the organization.

4. Who influence you most to become a leader or a follower? And how?

I always was a good follower. I was satisfied at that and I have never really imagined to be more than that. Although, seeing my classmates and other batchmates lead their own organizations, I have started to imagine and dream that I could be a good leader someday. Along with the experiences and confidence that I have gained from the years, what I am now is also because of them. I will always be thankful for the example that they have set for me.
