Week 4: Activity#2

 Give your reflection on this topic by accomplishing the “My Reflection” activity.


Based on the topic, I have learned that mini-survey may help me in gathering in specific information for a specific topic. Specifically, it can help me in designing a research plan, assessing the feasibility of a project, getting reactions from beneficiaries, and evaluating a project. Also, it can help in lessening the amount of effort in gathering information since the questions are usually closed rather than open-ended. It can also lessen the amount of time that will be used since there are fewer respondents. Moreover, it can help me in getting more relevant information since the questions are designed to only choose from a small set of alternative answers, rather that inviting a freely expanded comment.

I can do mini-survey by following the steps stated in the learning module. First, I have to clarify my objectives by determining what I want to find out about, the technique to get information, and questions that will satisfy my needs. Next, I must find out what else has been done by searching for ready-made questions that are currently available. I may also look and read other related literature or sources that may help me in conducting this mini-survey.  Lastly, I must choose the respondents and develop the questions that are appropriate for the topic and will help me in getting relevant information.
