Week 7: Activity#3_1


Career Plan - Commercial Airline Pilot

Visualizing the career – With my current interest and skills, I can clearly see myself flying a plane. I am aware that it is not that as simple as pushing buttons and a whole lot of waiting and sitting. There may be cases where I need to make split-second decisions to guarantee everyone’s safety.

Professional Situation – Commercial airline pilots are responsible for the safety of passengers, cargo, and their aircraft They must undergo thousands of hours of training to become skilled in operating an aircraft, have knowledge of safety procedures and strong communication skills are also essential to this role.

Evaluate - Pilots must have excellent communication skills, decision-making skills, grit, calm, and collectivity.

They need these for communicating with air traffic control, passengers, flight attendants, or their co-pilot. Communication is also key to a safe and successful takeoff, flight, and landing. Pilots must also be able to make decisions based on their knowledge and experience. If something out of the ordinary happens, a pilot must be able to call on their previous experience or understanding and make split-second decisions to handle any situation. They must also be calm and collected in these situations. Grit is also necessary for this career. This is not only necessary during those 12+ hour flights, but also during the length of your career. You must understand that even on the tough days, you are working toward the long-term goal of a long career as a pilot. 

I already have some of these skills. Although, I may still need some work on some of them such as my communication skills. That is why I need to start improving these today.

Feasibility of the Career Plan – This career is attainable since I know where to get funds needed for the needed tests and simulations. It is not that easy or simple but as long as I stay calm and collected, I can make sure that I will not waste funds for mistakes or retakes.

In relation to the Job Market – Compared to other common professions, there is only a few demands for pilots. With this, it is a high paying job due to the low number of people who wants to be and are licensed pilots. Even though it requires a lot of funding for simulations and test, I am pursuing to get a scholarship to diminish the costs.

In relation to background – Honestly, I do not have any connections for this profession. I do not have relatives that are licensed pilots. However, this mere fact will not completely stop me from pursuing this. The moment I pass and enter the campus, which I hope that I will be able to, I will start socializing to find friends that can benefit me in this regard. This may be a bit toxic, but I will make sure that I will be a true friend for them as well. I will also start and find internships as soon as possible on companies related to this profession in order to diversify my connections.

