
Showing posts from October, 2020

Week 4: Activity#4


Week 4: Discussion#4

  Situation No. 1 John is an active member of school organizations. He has a lot of talents to share and ideas to contribute to their club. Aside from that, he is known for his good looks, neatness, and tidiness. However, these seemingly likeable characteristics became the very reasons for rumors and gossips-- that he is a member of the LGBTQ+I community. This hurt him so much that he almost wanted to drop from schooling. Give your reaction: I feel pity for him although he shouldn't have to feel that hurt because of that. It may feel bad but if I were him and others are talking behind my back, I'd still be at least still okay with it as long as I have some true friends and my family that would believe the truth coming from me. Also, even if the rumors were true that he is part of the said community, there's no reason to feel hurt. Situation No. 2 Erica is a Grade 11 student. Although she is quite plump, she is undeniably pretty. Since she is sociable, she became popular and

Week 4: WrittenWork#2

  Answer the following questions in not less than 5 sentences each. Be specific with your answers and elaborate. 1. What were the most difficult challenges you have encountered in life? The fact that I am growing and I need to start on becoming a grown-up is the hardest challenge that I've encountered and still facing. I guess it's just hard to realize that there are some childish things you need to drop as you grow up. Responsibilities, rules, and consequences keep changing and growing as well. We need to start being accountable for these responsibilities and maintain this behavior while also dealing with changes in our own behavior. Maybe it's not the fact that I can't, rather, it is the fact that I don't really want to. Although there isn't anything I could to stop time from passing so I might as well just suck it up and accept the fact that I can't do nothing about it. 2. How were you able to overcome these challenges? I still haven't. I'm still

Week 3: Discussion#3

Q1: What did you discover about yourself? I have discovered that emotions and feelings are what drives us to do what we want to do, but these might also be an extraneous variable on making decisions. I've also discovered that I am more mature than I was before, specially on decision-making. As a growing young adult, my reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills have gotten better over the years. I have also made a clearer path to my future. With the current lesson, I am now aware of the reasons for most of my irrational emotions and I now know how to deal with them. Q2: Which aspect of personality do you give more priority to be dominant in developing your well-being? Physical, Mental, Emotional, or Spiritual? I prioritize my mental aspect more than the rest of them. The mental aspect is the one that mostly drives the improvement of the other aspects. Also, as growing young adults, we need to protect and nurture our mental health during this transition because this

Week 3: Activity#3_2 (Conflict Management Diagram)

  Situation 1:  You are working on your research paper and you need to concentrate on it, but your brother plays his electric guitar despite you calling his attention many times. Thoughts a.     It would be nice for him to be a bit considerate. b.     I would like him to stop until I’m not finished with what I’m doing. Feelings a.     I am irritated. b.     I feel bothered. Actions a.     I would tell my parents to make him stop. b.     I would tell him once more to pause what he is doing and tell him that he can continue as I finish my work. Situation 2:  Your teacher tells you that you that you have been selected as the representative of the school to compete for a division contest and this is your first time to participate in a competition. Thoughts a.     I would be skeptical at first then doubt myself for a bit afterwards. b.     I need to prepare as soon as possible for the contest. Feelings a.     I would feel honored. b.     I would be a bit nerv

Week 3: Activity#3_1

Scenarios Feelings/ Emotions Action Results of the Action You have a classmate who leads in making your classmates laugh at you. He also makes you feel that you do not belong to their group. You always choose to ignore but this time you cannot stand it. angry, curious, frustrated, upset I will talk to him if he has a certain problem with me. If he does, we will settle it like growing adults. If he doesn’t, I would just pity and lose respect for him because he gains joy in other people’s sorrow. I’ll go back to ignoring it because he probably is the one with the problem and not me. I’ve learned how to deal with immature behavior. I may have to go back to being laughed but at least I did the right thing. The end of the semester is near, and most teachers require you to submit all the outputs in their subjects. But you are still working on them and you find it difficult to han

Week 2: Discussion #2

You now have the idea on how things affect one’s self. Knowing those factors, aspects, indicators, and ways to know yourself better was just an instrument to help you be able to meet and embrace your being. Who you are, what you do, and what you have been through are ultimate reasons why you are unique from others. This activity will let you dig deeper by remembering some important aspects that made you who you are. You are opt to share your answers with your teacher/classmates. (Answer the questions in 3-5 sentences): 1. What are the things or who are the people that/who make you feel confident?      My family, my friends, and my upcoming project are the things that make me feel confident and boost my self-esteem. My family and friends would always cheer me up when I feel down, motivating me to try once more whenever I fail. They'd always tell me to keep pursuing which makes me feel like I can do more and better things. My project also gives me confidence. It is a reminder that I

Week 1: Written Work #1

     I am a simple man. I am motivated and dedicated when it comes to my own interests. I try to achieve more but if I really can’t, I settle for work-arounds. I appreciate what I have and can do. I don’t care about luxury. I only even have two goals in life, to be happy and to contribute to society. That’s why I don’t really get bothered about other things, such as other people’s opinion. When it harms me from achieving my goal, I simply ignore it, and I am thankful for I have this ability. Although, what gets to me is myself. I am usually the hindrance to my own progress. Even though I don’t care about other’s opinion that much, I do care for my own. That’s why I always get set back by my own doubts and second thoughts. Also, I often try to put too much on my plate when it comes to tasks because I always have too much to do. Nevertheless, I always accomplish most of my tasks. If I can’t, I just let it be and move on to the next one. That’s basically how we deal with life.

Week 1: Discussion#1 (Cyberbullying)

Q1: How would you interpret the video in connection to cyberbullying? Do you agree with it? Give concrete situation to justify your answer.   The video explained cyberbullying's causes and harms in a simple manner, specially with the child's voice-over giving it a more relatable feel. I agree with what the video said that cyberbullying may not be taken seriously because nowadays, people are more active in social media apps such as sharing their talents and opinions but others sometimes tend to have negative feedbacks and express it in a foul manner which makes them have lower self-esteems about themselves. Which leads to the point that we must be aware and spread this awareness to others. Q2:  In what certain scenario do you think would this line be applicable? This video would be specially applicable to those who can't or are afraid to stand up for their selves. It may not be a lot of help but maybe that small thing is just what may change their thought about taking action

Week 2: Activity#2 (Sharing-Is-Caring)

Strengths      -Ambitious      -Consistency      -Curious      -Determined      -Organized      -Passionate      -Patient      -Rational      -Understanding Weaknesses      -Dependent      -Lazy      -Procrastinator      -Self-Doubting What makes me angry?      -When things don’t go my way      -Getting let down      -Being lied to     -Being tricked What makes me happy?      -Food      -Sleep     -Memes      -When things go my way      -Being free to do what I want     -Having no one tell me what to do      -Having no worries

Week 1: Assignment#1 (Road Map)

Name the first problem you have encountered that has given you a good lesson in life                 You may be fine before a problem but you become better after it. Describe yourself before you have encountered the problem.                  I was fine, but weaker. List down the positive things that happened to you after learning the lessons you have in Gas Station 1.                  Challenges make you stronger. State things you have realized after overcoming problem/s when no one was there to help you.                  You don’t always need help. You can do most things by yourself. Name the changes you have noticed in yourself after encountering challenges you have indicated in part 5 "Bridge".                  I’ve grown as a person. I am stronger and better than I was before. List down things/ activities you do that make/s you strong whenever you feel so down.                  I take a break for a whole day and just rethink the problem. Describe how your traits which

Week 1: Activity#1 (Four Quadrants of Oneself)

I. Values you know well you possess -Affectionate -Ambitious -Considerate -Curious -Lazy -Organized -Resourceful -Self-doubting -Smart-Tough II. Values you and others knew you possess -Dedication -Friendly -Loyalty -Sincere -Sentimental -Understanding III. Values you and others hardly knew you possess -Dependent -Punctual -Reliable -Responsible IV. Values others knew well you possess -Cheerful -Confidence